
Get the most out of OpenVoice

OpenVoice is easy-to-use audio conferencing. Check out some tips and tricks to improve your calls.

Android app

Faster joining from anywhere

Let us send you a reminder when a call’s about to start. Tap once and we’ll dial all the numbers for you, so you can focus on what’s most important. You can also easily schedule and start conference calls with the mobile apps.



From your calendar

We find conferences on your phone’s calendar and display them so you can tap to join.

Favorite conferences

Join a conference frequently? Add it to your favorites for one-tap dialing.

Conference ID

Just have the conference ID? Enter it in and we’ll dial you into the call.

outlook scheduling

Easier scheduling

Have Outlook®? With the OpenVoice Outlook Plugin, you can schedule your OpenVoice conference calls directly from Outlook. No more searching around for conference info!

Download for Windows®

Scheduling with the Outlook Plugin
power tools

Meet your power tools

OpenVoice is more than just a phone number. The website gives you access to a suite of tools for your conferences.

visual controls

Web controls

Wondering who’s on the call? Sign in during a conference call to check caller ID, mute yourself or your attendees, and record a call with one click.


Customize OpenVoice to work for you.

visual controls

On hold?

When you’re the first participant, you’ll stay on hold until someone else arrives. You can change this in your settings.

Organizer features

visual controls

Coming and going

Decide whether participants are announced with a beep, their name, or nothing when they join and leave a call.

Conference management

visual controls

Put a PIN in it

Is your organizer PIN hard to remember? Change it to something more intuitive.

Customize your PIN

Your phone numbers

We offer phone numbers for over 50 countries. Check your phone numbers list for the countries your administrator has selected.

phone numbers

Start using the OpenVoice web app!